Yong Teak Jan @ Yong Teck Jan, male, a Malaysian, aged
53, is the chief operating officer of building materials
– general trading business of Hap Seng Consolidated
Berhad (HSCB) and was appointed to this position on
7 November 2017.
Mr. Yong is a non-independent non-executive director
of Hafary Holdings Limited, a company listed on the
Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities
Trading Limited. Currently, he is also the chief
operating officer of Malaysian Mosaics Sdn Bhd, which
trades and distributes ceramic tiles under the “MML”
brand name, one of Malaysia’s leading brands in ceramic
tiles with more than five decades in the market.
Mr. Yong has more than 25 years of experience in the
building material and engineering industry in Malaysia
and Singapore. He had held various positions such as
business development, sales and marketing and export,
manufacturing and procurement in Eastech Steel Mill
Services (M) Sdn Bhd and Salcon Limited.
Mr. Yong holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours in
Chemistry from the University of Malaya.
Mr. Yong does not have any family relationship with
any director and/or major shareholder nor does he
have any conflict of interests with the Company. He
has not been convicted of any offence in the past
five years and there was no public sanction or penalty
imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies during the
financial year ended 31 December 2023.